{"id":3632,"date":"2016-09-30T11:30:39","date_gmt":"2016-09-30T16:30:39","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/homesteaderdepot.com\/?p=3632"},"modified":"2016-09-30T11:30:39","modified_gmt":"2016-09-30T16:30:39","slug":"developing-skills-prior-to-homesteading","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/survivalhomesteader.net\/2016\/09\/30\/developing-skills-prior-to-homesteading\/","title":{"rendered":"Developing Skills Prior to Homesteading"},"content":{"rendered":"

Given the drastic lifestyle changes inherent in making the transition from typical modern life to homesteading, preparation is a must.\u00a0 Along with gathering tools and resources, one should not overlook practicing the skills that are soon to be a regular part of your life, but which are typically unfamiliar to those living in suburban or urban settings.\u00a0 While not everything can be simulated, even a little experience can provide you with the skills and attitude that can transfer to many other aspects of your new homesteading life.<\/p>\n


Starring at a plot of fallow ground without having any experience gardening can be intimidating and can lead to less than desirable results.\u00a0 Starting big for your first time can have you waste time and energy.\u00a0 Nearly everyone, despite their space and living arrangements, can grow some food.\u00a0 This will help you learn about plant care, pest control, sustainable harvest, and crop selection.\u00a0 Even if you live in an apartment without ground access you can grow in containers if you have a balcony.\u00a0 Fruiting plants like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant can be successfully and effectively grown in containers.\u00a0 Greens like kale, chard, and Okinawan spinach do well in containers.\u00a0 Culinary and medicinal herbs such as basil, mint, feverfew can thrive in containers.<\/p>\n

Animal Husbandry<\/strong><\/p>\n

Like gardening, raising small domestic animals can still teach you the basics about how to properly care for and how to deal with possible and inevitable difficulties that go along with animal husbandry.\u00a0 For those who can raise a few chickens or ducks in their backyard, this would be a great place to start.\u00a0 First-hand observation will teach you more about your animals than any amount of reading or watching YouTube videos ever could.\u00a0 You will learn first-hand through trial and error things like proper containment, effective methods of keeping predators away from your animals, and parasite and other health management.\u00a0 Perhaps the most difficult to thing to learn without actual experience is slaughtering.\u00a0 It is one thing to read about the methods of slaughtering an animal that you have put months if not years of care into raising, and it is another to actually do it yourself.\u00a0 But it is a reality that one will have to understand if one is going to raise animals for food.<\/p>\n

Food Storage<\/strong><\/p>\n

Resource conservation of all sorts is going to be an everyday part of life for those that are homesteading.\u00a0 One way to prepare yourself for this now is to practice food preservation and storage such as canning and dehydrating.\u00a0 Buying vegetables such as tomatoes and green beans while they are on sale and canning them for when they are out of season and more expensive is great practice for resource conservation.\u00a0 Likewise growing your own herbs and dehydrating them for the winter months will be good experience for food preservation and resource conservation.<\/p>\n


Preparing now for the new changes and challenges that one will have to face when beginning homesteading can make the difference between a stressful failure and an exciting new way of life.\u00a0 Good luck.<\/p>\n

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Given the drastic lifestyle changes inherent in making the transition from typical modern life to homesteading, preparation is a must.\u00a0 Along with gathering tools and resources, one should not overlook practicing the skills that are soon to be a regular part of your life, but which are typically unfamiliar to those living in suburban or<\/p>\n