If you have purchased store bought bags of soil to fill your raised beds or to add to your rows then you know how costly it can be.\u00a0 If you have thick clay soil and have bought a tiller, likely you have had to use it year after year.\u00a0 Likewise, if you have sandy or hard soil you might have experienced only temporary improvements from soil amendments that you add each and every growing season.\u00a0\u00a0 Here are some tips on how to fix your soil problems for the long haul.<\/p>\n
Tilling is the usual response to clay soil.\u00a0 But if you have grown in clay soil repeatedly you probably found that you had to till over and over again.\u00a0 This is because tilling breaks down the soil structure rather than improving upon it.\u00a0 When it gets wet, or walked upon, it will simply compact down again.\u00a0 Instead of tilling, (or if you must, in addition to tilling this time) add a thick layer of wood chips.\u00a0\u00a0 This will improve drainage, water retention, create air pockets, and add food for organisms that will naturally till the soil for you like earthworms.<\/p>\n
Sandy soil can be low in nutrients and dry out quickly, but sandy soil is perhaps the easiest to fix and offers the best chance for quick results.\u00a0 Composting and mulching with a thick layer of wood chips will increase nutrients, increase beneficial organisms, and increase water retention.<\/p>\n
Hard Dry Soil<\/strong><\/p>\n
Soil that is hard, dusty when dry, floods when wet, and is grey instead of black or brown lacks organic material.\u00a0 With an absence of organic material the soil will not sustain the food web necessary for healthy soil.\u00a0 Hard soil may not change quickly, but a sure fire way to fix it long term is add organic material.\u00a0 Compost it heavily, and mulch it heavily with (can you guess) wood chips.\u00a0 As life returns to the soil, the organisms will spread the nutrients through the compact soil underneath and soften it in the process.<\/p>\n
Did you notice a theme?\u00a0 If you have problems with your soil it is because the organisms that participate in producing and maintaining healthy soil don\u2019t want to live there.\u00a0 Make it a desirable home for them by adding tons of organic material.\u00a0 Anything other than repairing the food web or your soil will be a temporary fix at best.\u00a0 Adding compost and wood chips will allow nature to do the rest of the work for you in almost every situation.<\/p>\n
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If you have purchased store bought bags of soil to fill your raised beds or to add to your rows then you know how costly it can be.\u00a0 If you have thick clay soil and have bought a tiller, likely you have had to use it year after year.\u00a0 Likewise, if you have sandy or<\/p>\n