{"id":3965,"date":"2016-11-15T12:22:11","date_gmt":"2016-11-15T17:22:11","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/homesteaderdepot.com\/?p=3965"},"modified":"2016-11-15T12:22:11","modified_gmt":"2016-11-15T17:22:11","slug":"how-to-find-deals-on-gardening-supplies","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/survivalhomesteader.net\/2016\/11\/15\/how-to-find-deals-on-gardening-supplies\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Find Deals on Gardening Supplies"},"content":{"rendered":"

Whether you garden on a large-scale or simply have a patio garden, you’re probably always looking for good deals on gardening tools and supplies. The following suggestions will provide you with some of the best places to find those money-saving deals.<\/p>\n

Garage sales and estate sales<\/strong><\/p>\n

As soon as the weather begins to get warm, people tend to get a case of spring fever and begin cleaning out their basement, garage and storage building. They typically have a garage sale in hopes of making a little money on items they no longer want.\u00a0 Garden tools and equipment often end up at these sales. You can usually get a good deal on whatever they have to sell. Don’t think that you have to pay the price that’s on the item. Most likely, whoever is having the sale will reduce the price of an item because they don’t want anything left at the end of the day.<\/p>\n

Estates sales are sometimes even better than garage sales for finding a good deal on gardening supplies. Many times, when someone passes away, the family is left with an overwhelming assortment of stuff to dispose of. Generally, whoever is having an estate sale will easily negotiate prices. This type of situation is advantageous for you.<\/p>\n


Spending some time browsing Craigslist can be an excellent way to find garden- related items at a good price. Chances are, you are more likely to find the best bargains in the spring and early fall. However, you never know what amazing deals you’ll find on any given day, so it pays to check often.<\/p>\n

Online shopping<\/strong><\/p>\n

You can find deals on gardening supplies at various online sites.\u00a0 These sites typically put items on sale at the end of the season. However, even during peak gardening season, you may be able to find a good deal using promo codes and gift cards that are offered online.<\/p>\n

End of season bargains<\/strong><\/p>\n

Garden centers and any store that carries garden tools and supplies begin marking down prices before summer ends. The price reductions continue until early or mid-autumn. By implementing some frugal shopping skills and a little patience, you can replace your worn-out garden tools, gloves, knee pads or other gardening items without spending much money.\u00a0 This is also a good time to get larger pieces of garden equipment, garden carts, wheelbarrows and other items at a greatly reduced price.<\/p>\n

Holiday shopping<\/strong><\/p>\n

Sometimes it pays to think out of the box when looking for deals on gardening items. Because gardening has become such a popular hobby, many stores offer gift sets during the holidays that include garden tools, gardening accessories, bulbs, seeds and various other garden-related items. Not all those sets will sell during the holidays. That means you will have a chance to buy them at 50% or more off of the original price at post-holiday sales. That’s usually a deal that’s too good to pass up.<\/p>\n

It’s been said that gardeners are always looking ahead. When it comes to purchasing gardening supplies, forward thinking can result in money-saving deals.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Whether you garden on a large-scale or simply have a patio garden, you’re probably always looking for good deals on gardening tools and supplies. The following suggestions will provide you with some of the best places to find those money-saving deals. Garage sales and estate sales As soon as the weather begins to get warm,<\/p>\n

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