{"id":4025,"date":"2016-11-21T09:36:04","date_gmt":"2016-11-21T14:36:04","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/homesteaderdepot.com\/?p=4025"},"modified":"2016-11-21T09:36:04","modified_gmt":"2016-11-21T14:36:04","slug":"guppies-for-the-garden","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/survivalhomesteader.net\/2016\/11\/21\/guppies-for-the-garden\/","title":{"rendered":"Guppies for the Garden"},"content":{"rendered":"

When one thinks of raising animals that offer benefits for your garden, chickens are probably the first to come to mind.\u00a0 But not everyone has the ability or the desire to have animals that require as much care as chickens do, or make as much noise as chickens do.\u00a0 Luckily, there are animals that offer several benefits for the garden that require barely any attention\u00a0and make absolutely no noise: \u00a0guppies! Yes, the little fish.\u00a0 Guppies are freshwater fish that don\u2019t require pumps of filters in their aquariums or ponds.\u00a0 Females can reproduce at 2 months<\/p>\n

Yes, the little fish.\u00a0 Guppies are freshwater fish that don\u2019t require pumps of filters in their aquariums or ponds.\u00a0 Females can reproduce at 2 months<\/p>\n

Guppies are freshwater fish that don\u2019t require pumps of filters in their aquariums or ponds.\u00a0 Females can reproduce at 2 months old, and can give birth (yes they give live birth which is cool to see if you have them in an aquarium) to 60 fry (baby guppies) at a time.\u00a0 They can be put outside in most zones in the spring and netted back up in the fall to be brought inside for the winter, and if you have enough plants in their pond, they don\u2019t require much care in between.\u00a0 But why should you raise guppies?<\/p>\n


Pest Control<\/strong><\/p>\n

The most commonly sought advantage to raising guppies is their ravenous appetite for mosquito larva.\u00a0 Having a pond or outdoor aquarium will provide mosquitoes with a place they will feel save leaving their eggs.\u00a0 Having that pond stocked with guppies will ensure that none of those eggs ever amount to an adult mosquito that will buzzing in your ear while you are outside working or relaxing in your garden.<\/p>\n


Like every other animal, guppies produce waste that can be used in your garden as fertilizer.\u00a0 It smells less than chicken manure and it\u2019s easier to collect than horse manure.\u00a0 Just move the water plants to one side, and stir the water until it goes from clear to green.\u00a0 Then dip in your watering can and fill it up, water hungry fruiting plants like tomatoes or melons with the contents.<\/p>\n


If you do have chickens in your back yard, guppies can still be a nice addition.\u00a0 As little as 10 adult guppies placed outside in the spring can result in 1,000 adults by fall.\u00a0 It\u2019s unlikely that you want to net in and maintain 1,000 guppies inside through the winter.\u00a0 Instead, you can regularly scoop some up and toss them to your chickens.\u00a0 Chickens love guppies.\u00a0 But if you don\u2019t have chickens, you can (it might sound cruel) bury the guppies in your fall garden for rich soil in the spring (watch out for raccoons).<\/p>\n


Guppies require less care than just about anything.\u00a0 They can be raised in virtually anything that holds water.\u00a0 They can reduce mosquitoes, give free fertilizer, and provide pretty cool entertainment if you watch them give birth.\u00a0 Give guppies a try for your garden this spring.<\/p>\n

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When one thinks of raising animals that offer benefits for your garden, chickens are probably the first to come to mind.\u00a0 But not everyone has the ability or the desire to have animals that require as much care as chickens do, or make as much noise as chickens do.\u00a0 Luckily, there are animals that offer<\/p>\n